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In That Moment: Inspiring Words That Will Guide You

Lindsay Woods' new book is the result of a long personal journey

Dawson Creek's Lindsay Woods is all about finding the positives.

A single mom on PWD, Lindsay battled depression and doubt, but with the help of some influential teachers she changed her way of thinking, and is determined to help others do the same through her book, In That Moment: Inspiring Words That Will Guide You.

Spencer van Vloten talked to Lindsay about the book, her personal journey, and her sources of inspiration.

Spencer: Tell me about yourself Lindsay

Lindsay: I’m a single mom on PWD, and I had a very crappy childhood growing up.

I've had to deal with serious depression and chronic PTSD, and it was an ordeal to find where I needed to go in life, and how to get the support I needed.

After a lot of self-doubt and struggle, I just decided I was going to love myself more, and it changed everything.

One thing that helped was finding Bob Proctor; I learned so much from him about how to change my mindset. Everything in your childhood teaches you who and what you're supposed to be, so if you grew up in hostile environment, unloved by parents, you're going to unconsciously believe that.

Everything in your childhood teaches you who and what you're supposed to be

It's that type of mindset that needs to be changed, and this is what my book is all about: quotes and wisdom to shift your thinking and get you through your tough times.

Spencer: When did you start writing?

Lindsay: The creative part of it was listening to positive things, like Bob Proctor’s teachings, the laws of attraction, and the laws of universe.

What happened was I'd get the inspiration to think of something, and I’d start saying it aloud, to my daughter, to myself. Then I decided I needed to start recording it and getting these words on paper.

Bob Proctor has been a source of inspiration for Lindsay

Doing this helped me get through a lot of things. Weight loss, stress, general life reflection, so I kept writing and writing, and it went from there.

Writing used to just be way of helping with depression, and now it’s pure joy and happiness.

Spencer: Why did you decide to write ‘In That Moment’?

Lindsay: My friend introduced me to a group of female entrepreneurs. Someone made a post asking if anyone ever had an interest in writing a book, and I said yes.

From there I came into contact with a publisher from Mind Spirit Works, Snehal Singh, who has been amazing, like a sister to me. I’d write little things to her, and she gave me support and encouraged me to turn it into a full book.

The whole point of book is that we’ve all had a bad day where we’re feeling a bit depressed. Something went wrong with family or a coworker, there was a death, or someone just went off on us. From this book, you can pick any little quote or words of wisdom, and they will help you through.

I’ve seen so much depression, but I’m now able to take positives out of life and turn it upside down. There’s beauty in your life no matter what, and I really want to help people be happy.

Spencer: Are there any particular bits of wisdom that help guide you?

Lindsay: The way Bob Proctor puts it – don't be an extra in your own movie, when you should be sitting in the director’s chair. Take control. That's been a big one for me.

Don't be an extra in your own movie, when you should be sitting in the director's chair

I also recommend learning from Rhonda Burns, Sadhguru, and Brendon Burchard. They'll all help change your way of thinking if you're struggling with negativity.

Spencer: For those with creative ambitions who are struggling to find the energy or time, what advice would you give them?

Lindsay: I would say keep at it. It takes time. But if there's a will there's a way. It took me 2 years to write the book, while also living a very busy life homeschooling my daughter. The determination and passion you have will make it happen.

Yes, you will hurt, you might hear criticism that you don’t want to hear. But they're all learning lessons, and someone is eventually going to say yes. I know from experience that you can and will overcome.

And if you’re stuck in a creative block, step back, forget about it for a while, then come back and you’ll be refreshed and have a new perspective.

Spencer: What's next?

I'm already working on a sequel, and also in the process of writing a book about my creative journey and how people can succeed in theirs.

Stay tuned!


Spencer van Vloten is the editor of BC Disability. To get in touch, send an email to!

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lekor adams
lekor adams
07 de nov. de 2024

Taking time for myself, whether it’s reading inspiring words or investing in something like a chemical peel treatment, gives me a sense of renewal. Just as uplifting quotes can give us a fresh perspective, skincare treatments can offer that same feeling of a new start. There’s something empowering about looking after yourself, inside and out, and a little self-care can go a long way in helping us feel ready to take on the world with a clear mind and radiant skin.

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