Spencer van VlotenJan 20, 2022BC's PWDs: Left In The DarkAs Dani Oliver writes, simply getting adequate light and heat are challenges in British Columbia for persons with disabilities.
Spencer van VlotenNov 29, 2021A Loving Partner Isn't An Option: A StatementFor Alicia, the BC's PWD spousal cap tells her a lot - none of it good
Spencer van VlotenNov 15, 2021"Was it worth it to almost cost someone's life?" The spousal cap on provincial disability assistance tore this family apart and nearly cost a life.
Spencer van VlotenNov 12, 2021Change - But For The Better?The Ministry of Children and Family Development recently announced an overhaul to its autism funding program. Was that a good thing?
Spencer van VlotenOct 31, 2021"It makes me feel guilty for my disabilities"Christine's story shows the hurtful impact of BC's discriminatory 'spousal cap' policy