"We are disabled citizens, not throwaway citizens"
By Rainee
BC Disability
January 9th, 2022
A letter to Premier John Horgan from a woman on disability, struggling with the poverty imposed on her.
Sign Petition: Can the Spousal Cap!
Dear Premier Horgan,
People on disability need your help. The price of food, gas, have grown exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic.
Our current rates are not sustainable. They were barely getting us by before the pandemic. Now, we have to make a choice between food, rent, gas, or car insurance. There are always reminder calls for something that's unpaid.
There are always reminder calls for something that's unpaid
I've been on the social housing list for about 5 years. In the meantime, I'm paying market rent while only receiving $375 to pay for that.
You force us to go on CCP-D, then deduct that entire federal amount off our provincial benefit. Which is a clawback system started by your very own party.
I requested an increase in my special food allowance for my condition, which currently is set at $35. Per month. I was denied and told:
"This is the eligible amount as per legislative criteria and there are no increases. "
I challenge you to try to eat appropriately on our rates.
I challenge you to try to eat appropriately on our rates
We are disabled, not throwaway citizens.
Please increase our rates so we can survive.
Thank you.
Spencer van Vloten is the editor of BC Disability. To get in touch, send an email to spencer@bcdisability.com!