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Rights and Laws

A legal textbook with a person in a wheelchair on the cover

Our full directory is also available as a downloadable PDF. If we need to add something to the directory, let us know by sending an email to Spencer van Vloten


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Law & Policy


Accessible British Columbia Act

The Accessible British Columbia Act makes BC more inclusive for people with disabilities


Accessible Canada Act

The Accessible Canada Act, also known as bill C-81, sets out requirements to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility


BC Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act

Sets out various forms of employment support and assistance for persons with a disability in BC, including Person with Disability (PWD) benefits


BC Human Rights Clinic

Provides free legal services to people who need help with a provincial human rights complaint


BC Human Rights Code

The BC Human Rights Code (the Code) is a law created by the B.C. legislature. The purposes of the Code are to:


  • Foster a society in B.C. where there are no impediments to full and free participation in the economic, social, political and cultural life of B.C.

  • Promote a climate of understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights

  • Prevent discrimination prohibited by the Code

  • Eliminate persistent patterns of inequality associated with discrimination prohibited by the Code

  • Provide a means of redress for those persons who are discriminated against contrary to the Code


The Code prohibits discrimination in certain areas of activity (for example, employment). The Code also creates the tribunal and sets up a process for making and resolving complaints of discrimination.


BC Human Rights Tribunal

Provides educational info on human rights, and is responsible for having a fair and timely process to resolve human rights complaints in BC


BC Office of the Human Rights Commissioner  

Addresses the root causes of inequality, discrimination and injustice in BC by shifting laws, policies, practices and cultures


BC Ombudsperson 

Works to ensure that public sector organizations are treat people fairly and follow the rules. They listen to and investigate complaints about local and provincial public sector organizations, as well as investigate reports of serious wrongdoing in the provincial government. Services are free and confidential. 


BC Special Education Policy Manual

BC's special education policies, procedures, and guidelines


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

This section of the Canadian constitution guarantees everyone equal protection under the law. It bans discrimination and emphasizes a few specific groups, including people with a “mental or physical disability”.


Canadian Human Rights Act

The Canadian Human Rights Act is a statute passed by the Parliament of Canada in 1977 with the goal of extending the law to ensure equal opportunity to individuals who may be victims of discriminatory practices based on a set of prohibited grounds, including disability. The act applies only to federally regulated activities.


Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Commission protects the core principle of equal opportunity and promotes a vision of an inclusive society free from discrimination by:


  • Promoting human rights through research and policy development

  • Protecting human rights through a fair and effective complaints process

  • Representing the public interest to advance human rights for all Canadians

  • Auditing employers under federal jurisdiction for compliance with employment equity


Canadian Human Rights Commission: Disability Rights

An overview of human rights and human rights resources in Canada related to disability


Canadian Human Rights Commission: Human Rights in ASL

A series of videos in ASL about the Canadian Human Rights Act and how to file a discrimination complaint


Community Legal Assistance Society

Provides legal assistance and works to advance the law to address the critical needs of those who are disadvantaged or face discrimination


Community Living BC Rights and Safeguards Guide

A guide to rights for self-advocates


Employment Equity Act

This law requires federally regulated employers and crown corporations to eliminate barriers that prevent people with disabilities (and other designated groups) from participating equally in the work force. It also calls for these employers to provide accommodations, such as ensuring the technology used to perform a job is accessible.


Find An Advocate

This tool helps people find disability advocates and legal support nearest them


Human Rights Protection Fact Sheet

Fact sheets to help you understand human rights in BC


Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre

Nidus is currently the only community-based resource in Canada devoted to personal planning. It is an expert on Representation Agreements, which are a legal model for supported decision making.


Rights of People with Disabilities

The Federal government has a page with certain laws and policies relating to the rights of persons with disabilities


Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre

Free legal education and advocacy for BC tenants


United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

A human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of people with disabilities. Signed on March 30th 2007, and stressing choice, equality, and inherent rights for persons with disabilities, it addresses a range of issues, including employment, housing, education, recreation, and political life for disabled persons.


United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons

Adopted on 9 December 1975, the Declaration encouraged national and international protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. The Declaration reiterated the rights of persons with disabilities to education, medical services, and placement service. It further recognized their right to economic and social security, to employment, to live with their families, to participate in social and creative events, to be protected against all exploitation, abuse or degrading behaviour, and to avail themselves of legal aid.


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