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At Home Program

What is the At Home Program?

The At Home Program is designed to support the families of children and teens with a severe disability or complex health care needs. Children and youth who are assessed as dependent in three of four areas of daily living (eating, dressing, toileting and washing) are eligible for a choice of medical or respite benefits. Those who are dependent in all four areas are eligible for both benefits.


Children and youth who are considered to be palliative by a medical professional, those with certain degenerative conditions (Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Atrophy Type II), and those receiving direct nursing care through Nursing Support Services are also eligible for one or both benefits.


Respite Benefits

The At Home Program provides funding to purchase respite care for eligible children. Families may choose the type of respite services that best suit their needs, either in their home or at another location.


The program does not cover services that are:


  • Provided by a parent of the child

  • Required as a result of the parent’s paid or unpaid employment, training or education

  • Provided by any other Ministry of Children and Family Development program


Benefits are typically $2,400 - $2,800 per year, depending on family income. In some cases, benefits may be enhanced to meet extraordinary need. Respite funding may not be available immediately. Families may be waitlisted for benefits.


Parents make a written agreement with the Ministry of Children and Family Development to receive funding, and may choose to receive benefits through a direct monthly payment, or to be reimbursed for respite expenses.


Parents are responsible for arranging respite care, paying caregivers, managing their respite budget and providing a record of respite expenditures.




Step 1: With help from a doctor, complete the At Home Program Application


Step 2: Mail or fax the application to your local At Home Program Regional Office


Step 3: After your application is received, the program will contact you to arrange for an in-home assessment of your child or teen's abilities in four functional activities of daily living (eating, dressing, toileting and washing). The assessment may also include:


  • Contact with other health care providers about the child or teen’s needs and abilities


  • Observing the child or teen in another setting


Parents will receive a copy of the assessment once it's completed


Step 4: After the assessment is completed, a regional committee reviews the application and assessment and makes an eligibility recommendation to the At Home Program


Step 5: Parents are sent a letter with the final decision, and, if the child or teen is eligible for the program, a children and youth with special needs (CYSN) social worker will follow up to discuss the family’s needs and other available services.


At Home Program Guide (PDF)

What is BC Disability?


BC Disability: BC PWD, Canada Disability Benefit, BC disability assistance, BC disability services, news, and resources. Here to help you with disability, BC PWD, Canada Disability Benefit, and more!

Editor, Spencer van Vloten:


Many thanks to computer whiz Ryan Groth

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